Monday, October 24, 2016

Context Mapping

"Between now and Thursday, I want you to pay attention to how you feel, and specifically note when you feel safe and when you feel anxious or uneasy. Got it?"

This quote is what Mitch ask Julian to do.  hyperlink:

Before meeting with Julian, Mitch needed to understand her feelings.  He did so by asking her to pay attention to her behavior and how she felt. Mitch tells her to look out for ways in which she reacts to things which can potentially help him understand her situation better.

This connects to a context map because it helps to break down the problem of a context and understand a certain situation, in this case, openness. For instance identifying the four different types of identity, which are 

1.     Moratorium: A temporary life event or activity
2.     Foreclosed Identity: A type of crisis that an individual experiences and goes through during the process of a life event
3.     Diffuse Identity: Figuring out who you are as a person
4.     Achieved Identity: Coming to a conclusion, finding one's true sense of self.  

I, myself decided to create my own context map by identifying how I came across the "YDEV" program. I had the decision to join this career with the help of my advisor who helped me solve my crisis as a college student by guiding me through a career path.     

Monday, October 3, 2016


Image result for signs horoscope


  • Critical Youth Development
  • How can adults and youth workers work together to negotiate and make meaning of their worlds?
  • Teens have important ideas to contribute to the world
  • How youth engage and impact communities and cultures 
  • Youth and adults work together to develop public role plays about sex and healthy/unhealthy relationships. 
After I took the Ideology Inventory Quiz, I ended up getting a score of 10 for Positive Youth Development, a 14 for Risk, Resilience and Prevention and a 15 for Critical Youth Development. Clearly the last sign won, and for that matter I do agree that I associate more with my final results. My values towards Youth work associates more with the critical Youth Development field because it is something that interest me the most. Even though all three signs engage with the the youth, the sign that I ended up getting associates more with the connection of Youth and adults. Basically I get to guide them in life, connect in a sense where not only my opinion matters, but also their opinions. In a way all three signs have that in common because it focuses on the same views and values. I can be a guidance for them, communicate and help them in a clear and understanding way associated to their point of view and story.